Office Hours // Lauryn Drainie, Kiva Fellow

  • Impact Bazaar, 5th Floor 394 Broadway New York, NY, 10013 United States

Kiva Zip, part of the international nonprofit, is an online platform where entrepreneurs and small businesses in the U.S. can crowd-fund 0% interest loans of up to $10,000.00 from our global community of lenders. Our big innovation is the concept of "social underwriting." Rather than underwriting loans using a borrower's credit history, collateral or cash flow, we're simply looking at a borrower's character and network of trust, and it's working! 

Meet with Lauryn Drainie to get the low-down on what Kiva offers local NYC entrepreneurs. She'll help you craft your profile and fundraising strategy!

This is an office hour, not a presentation. If you're interested in applying for a Kiva Zip loan for your business or if you just want to know more about the program and the concept of social underwriting, please drop by. We'd love to chat! 

Check us out at

Office Hours are available in 20 minute slots on a first come, first serve basis. To reserve your slot, sign-up on the ‘Office Hours’ office door (next to host reception on Floor 5)  the day of the office hours.